Ever since I was blessed with two strokes of good luck at lottery after having gotten my parents their four leaf clover good luck charm keychains and that free golden tiger fengshui ornament, I'm now a strong believer that good luck should not be hoarded to oneself, but instead be shared amongst the ones you love and care about, in order for it to flow freely around to shower its blessings on you and your loved ones.
So, in my quest to envelope my entire family in the aura of good luck, I decided to pay yet another visit to the Julie Roberts shop to buy two more good luck charms for my two younger brothers, Rodney and Donald, to complete the circle of good luck for our family.
So, in my quest to envelope my entire family in the aura of good luck, I decided to pay yet another visit to the Julie Roberts shop to buy two more good luck charms for my two younger brothers, Rodney and Donald, to complete the circle of good luck for our family.
...They're both hanging from my staff pass lanyard now, hopefully to safeguard me from "harm" and smoothen my path with good luck at work...
... OOH! And I also bought the much acclaimed rare 7-leaf and 8-leaf clover stickers! They come in a delightful little box!!!
Here's the 8-leaf clover sticker...
Ha ha ha...I know what you're thinking... This guy has gone off his rockers in his pursuit of good luck!!! Ha ha ha... No lah, I've not gone mad, but yes, I know it's kinda addictive...still, I DO know my limits and I only spend within them lah. Anyway, for my loyal patronage, the shop staff (Jo-Ann and May Ling) "rewarded" me yet again with another free gift!!! Check out our family's new "glistening" shiny Bak Choy!!! It sits right on the other end of our TV cabinet, across from our golden tiger. Nice right? HUAT AH!!!
the star one looks damn nice! love that!